Friday, August 29, 2014

Trading waiting on Bucky Barnes The Winter Soldier

Bucky was my 'new' favorite comic character of the last decade thanks to Ed Brubaker's terrific Winter Soldier rethink which I gloriously stumbled into in 2005.  I have never looked back - even when I loathed the idea of him as Cap. Jason Latour also did a good run on the character.

As of Original Sin and Marvel pushing everything cosmic (thanks in part to the incoming Star Wars license I am sure), now Bucky will be going interplanetary and to other realms.

Like Asgard (Oh, goody.)

And with additional protagonists. Let's just say I am not a happy camper.  Even if Kot uses one of them in Secret Avengers, this should be Bucky's book. I'd like to see him be a lone wolf for awhile and NOT do the intergalactic/realm business. Did they seriously run out of Earth based stories (YES...if it was Brubaker, I'd wager NO, but it is not so...)

I loved Marco Rudy's art in the New Avengers Annual. His style is perfect for Doctor Strange, does not seem so for Buck.

Look, I can crank and be fan woman BEEP-head here (and I know I am this close to exploding), but then I remember Change is constant. You either go with the flow or you do not. I do not here. I'll wait for the trade and if I don't like it, big whoop. It'll be like the recent Moon Knight runs, quickly forgotten.

There is an interpretation of Bucky I do enjoy and he's up on the big screen.  That's important, as long as there is an incarnation I enjoy somewhere, terrific. And if not, as Francesco Dellamorte says, "life goes on."

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